‘Download: The True Story of the Internet’ gaat over een revolutie: te technologische, culturele, commerciele en sociale revolutie die ons leven veranderde. ‘From the founders of eBay, Yahoo, Amazon, Netscape, Google and many others, we hear amazing stories of how, in ten short years, the Internet took over our lives. These extraordinary men and women tell us how they went from being geeky, computer obsessed nerds to being 21st-century visionaries in the time it takes most people to get their first promotion. And, how they made untold billions along the way’.
John Heileman, een New Yorkse technologie journalist, is een persoonlijke vriend van vele topmannen in Silicon Valley. En zoals hij zelf beeldend schetst: ‘After all, this is a story in which 20-year-olds become overnight billionaires, create, destroy and re-create more wealth in ten years then human race has ever seen, and still struggle to get a date’.
De documentaire draaide op Discovery Channel vanaf 2008.
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